Aurora Bearealis 2001

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Swimsuit Exchange as seen from above Gary J., Mike A., Scott C. Tony and Jack Bob from Cleveland and Phil from Toronto
View overlooking the pool Kevin (Eaglebear) from London, ON Matt from the Toolbox about to eat, drink, and be merry
Thomas from Germany as a party float Mike and Glenn frolic in the pool Oops! Glenn just got dunked over Mike's shoulder... Flags and banners and balloons, oh my!
Yours truly, about to board the Mariposa Oriole Bears gather aboard the Oriole View off the Skydome View off Canada Place
Kevin and Gary pose before the CN tower Mike and Kevin aboard the Oriole Roger from Brooklyn Tom, your cruise director ;-)
The Canadian National Exposition from offshore A tall ship we passed in the Inner Harbour Winnie (Greman bear) and Tom (German-Canadian bear) Back-scratching and other friendly activity on the dock

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